LGA and CIPFA Consultation on Locally Set Fees


09 Feb

The Institute of Licensing is reporting that the Local Government Association (LGA)  and CIPFA (the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) have launched a local authority consultation on locally set fees.

They have jointly written to local authorities seeking further data and information on the local costs for administering and regulating activities under the Licensing Act 2003.  The consultation follows the decision by the Home Office to postpone plans to introduce legislation to allow local authorities to set their own licensing fees locally. The decision was based on the lack of credible evidence put forward by local authorities.  At the time the Home Office indicated that it will be willing to revisit the proposal for locally set fees if further and more comprehensive evidence on cost implications is put forward by local authorities. The LGA and CIPFA are now consulting with local authorities to help build the evidence base.

The consultation runs until 26th February 2016.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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